Special Topic: An Open Letter to Ice Dance

Didier Gailhaguet, president of the French Ice Sports Federation and 2016 candidate for ISU president, made an illuminating observation on the state of ice dance in a recent New York Times article:

“I was up high in the arena the night of [Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron’s] free dance, and for at least two minutes of their four-minute program, it was so quiet you could hear the wings of a fly beating […] Even up where I was, I could hear the sound of their skates on the ice. That means what? That means something was happening with the audience, something we can’t quantify but something that we have to give value to in our sport.”

An unquantifiable and deeply subjective element, one could reasonably argue, actually has very little place in the outcomes of athletic endeavor.

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